Encephalartos nubimontanus is a species of cycad in the genus Encephalartos, which is native to South Africa. It is a slow-growing, evergreen plant that typically reaches heights of up to 2-3 meters. It is known for its dark green, glossy leaves that are typically 1-2 meters long and about 30 cm wide. The leaves are arranged in a rosette form at the top of the stem and are pinnately divided into many leaflets.

The stem of E. nubimontanus is usually subterranean and only the crown of leaves is visible above the ground. It can have a stem that can be up to 30 cm in diameter.
The plant has both male and female cones, which are typically produced on separate plants. The cones are large and woody, and they are usually yellow-brown in color.
E. nubimontanus is considered a threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to habitat loss and over-collection for horticultural purposes. It is considered as a rare cycad and is highly sought after by collectors and is known for its hardiness and durability. It is suitable for cultivation in Mediterranean-type climates as well as tropical and subtropical climates.